Case study

Public Utility Institute for City Construction of Novi Sad

Date: 24.01.2016

Public Utility Institute for City Construction (ZIG) Novi Sad is a city institution that deals with planning, equipping and ownership transfer of city construction land in the city of Novi Sad, ie manages the city space and coordinates infrastructure development (plans and organizes equipping the site with communal infrastructure and participates in maintaining the same). The Institute also deals with traffic management (traffic lights, vertical signalization) as well as environmental protection of the city (analysis of water, air, flood protection, ...).

Realizing the complexity of the process of planning, transfer, and exploitation of urban construction land, especially if we take into account the dynamic growth of Novi Sad, which is one of the largest cities in Serbia, ZIG management initiated the development of an integrated information system that combines spatial information, documents and business data related to construction land.